Spouse or Child of US Permanent Resident (F2) Category

Spouse or Child of US Permanent Resident (F2) Category

The Spouse or Child of U.S. Permanent Resident category enables lawful permanent residents of the United States to sponsor their foreign spouses and children to live and work in the U.S. on a permanent basis. In addition, the unmarried children under 21 years of age of the spouse, and the unmarried children of the U.S. lawful permanent resident and the unmarried children under 21 years of age of the lawful permanent resident’s children may apply for U.S. permanent residence as well. Around 88,000 immigrant visas are allowed to be given out each year to the spouses and unmarried children under 21 years of age of holders. But only around 26,000 visas per year can go to their unmarried children over 21 years of age. The law places no time limits on processing the applications. The current waiting period for a spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 is a little less than two years. This is the lowest wait time in this category in recent history. Children over 21 should, however, should be prepared to wait longer for their immigrant visas. The –holding parent or spouse may be able to hurry the process along by becoming a U.S. citizen. Whichever your case is, Migration experts can help you with the processing of immigration to the U.S.

The Spouse or Child of U.S. Permanent Resident category can be applied for from either inside or outside the United States. If in the U.S., the spouse must have made a legal entry to the United States and have maintained legal status. If outside the U.S., the spouse may not enter the U.S. until the visa is granted.

Spouse or Child of U.S. Permanent Resident (F-2) Basic Entitlements

The Spouse or child of US Permanent Resident category provides foreign spouses and children of permanent residents the opportunity to reunite with family living in the United States and become permanent residents. Permanent Residents have the right to live and work in the United States permanently, leave and return to the United States with few limitations, attend public schools and colleges and become a US citizen when eligible to do so.

Spouse or Child of U.S. Permanent Resident (F-2) Basic Requirements

To be eligible for a as a Spouse or Child of a US Permanent Resident, the foreign spouse and the US lawful permanent resident must be legally married as evidenced by a valid marriage certificate. In addition, the lawful permanent resident must be residing in the United States at the time of the application. Children of the lawful permanent resident must prove relationships through birth certificates, adoption papers and marriage certificates. Applicants must also meet certain health and character requirements.

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